Most public schools are governed by local school boards. There are some schools that are approved and overseen by the state.

local district snapshot: atlanta public schools

Atlanta Public Schools (APS) is governed by the Atlanta Board of Education and serves approximately 51,000 students across the 90+ learning sites. The Board establishes and approves the policies that change and improve the classrooms, manages an annual operating budget of over $1 billion, and appoints the superintendent who oversees the system’s day-to-day operations. The members of the board also serve on specific committees, including Accountability, Audit, Budget, and Policy Review.

The board consists of nine elected, non-partisan members, representing six geographical districts and three at-large districts. One person is elected per district to represent the schools in their area for a four-year term.

In order to fulfill their duties and conduct the board’s business, they hold meetings every month that are open to the public, usually in the auditorium of the The Alonzo A. Crim Center for Learning and Leadership at 130 Trinity Avenue, S.W., Atlanta, GA 30303.

The elected board represents
6 geographical districts + 3 at-large districts, serving 51,000
students across 90+ learning sites.

Atlanta Public Schools Board of Education

9 elected members

Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent

Hired By APS Board Of Education

The Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent manages

57 traditional schools

Atlanta Public Schools

Board Of Education

9 elected members

The Board has contracts with:

6 district partner schools

The Board has contracts with:

18 district charter schools

  • District charter schools also have to receive approval from the State Charter Schools Commission
  • Charter schools in APS are authorized by the Atlanta Board of Education and the State Board of Education.
Students in the city of Atlanta have access to dozens of State Authorized Public Charter Schools, which are governed by the State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia.

State Charter Schools Commission of Georgia and state authorized public charter schools

7 appointed members

State Board of Education

14 appointed voting members


Dozens of state authorized public charter schools

Approved by the State Charter Schools Commission and the State Board of Education

other helpful facts

  • Each APS charter school is managed by a non-profit board and is approved by the APS Board of Education. The schools have a contract with the district according to the Georgia Charter Schools Act of 1998.
  • APS partner schools are also managed by a non-profit board, approved by the APS Board of Education, and have a contract with the district. The partner schools’ contract is not governed by the Georgia Charter Schools Act.
  • One example of a difference between charter and partner schools is that partner schools must comply with district student discipline policies, while charter schools must comply with state student discipline policies, but not district policies. See here for additional examples.